2010年9月5日 星期日

Tip (July 8th, 2010~July 21th, 2010)

1. Look! Who's here!
2. look sb in the eye: look me in the eye. tell me the truth.
3. look sb up and down (negative): 上下打量
4. look no further: 不用再尋找了, 答案就在眼前

simile (like/as): 明喻
analogy: 類比

canal: 運河
kennel: 狗窩, dog house, to be in the dog house: 因為做錯事, 受冷落, 懲罰

Uncountable Noun (a group of noun):
1. equipment: five pieces of equipment
2. work: tasks, projects, jobs
3. homework: I got lots of homework
4. luggage, candy, furniture, scenery (views)

upset stomach
thanks to you: because of you , thanks to your foolish, we lost lots of money.
no thanks to you: I finally got the license, no thanks to you.
thanks but no thanks: polite way to turn down. Would you like join the party tonight. Thanks, but no thanks.

brave: to face the difficult/dangerous situation
to brave the traffic:
to brave the weather/hardship/the elements (大自然的力量)/the streets of tough neighborhood
brave, guts,

Give up:
1. give up: stop doing sth
2. give up on sth: abandon, 離棄, 失望, give up on a child
3. give yourself up: 自首,

1. I'll give you that -> agree
2. point taken-> I agree
3. granted. Ex: Granted. But......

Fruit phrase.
1. cool as cucumber: 沉著, 安靜
2. go banana: really angry. She went banana when she knew her child burn the house.
3. hot potato
4. peanut: very little money, My bicycle cost me peanut.

1. all-nighter:
2. You bombed the test/school project
3. That car is pretty sweet(讚).
4. cram

1. You brighten my day.
2. brighten up, The sky brighten up after it is rained.
